Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 7 erherher

Note: I decided to end my serial on a different note.

The pilot, flying on one engine, manages to glide the plane down into a field of daisies. The passengers unfortunately are unable to escape before the jet fuel ignites and it rains daises all over the state.

Okay so it's not on a different note but I had to end it.

The End :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day Blablabla

You may have noticed I abandoned my serial. I stopped it when I found out my grandmother reads reading my blog...

I need to write happy stories from now on....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 5

NOTE: Read post on Nov 12 first, then work your way up (just follow the ones that have day+number as the title)

This is the fifth insert.

The stewards of the plane are relieved they now have more food to feed the passengers. The pilots however are worried because that food just blew out their right engine.

Now I will have to remind myself to post the next part tomorrow.

Day 4

NOTE: Read the post on Nov 12 first, then work your way up.

This is the fourth part of my serial.

The hawk, king of the skies, soars above the clouds. Speedy as it is, it is still not fast enough to outrun the plane behind is and it is sucked into the engine.

Okay I missed a day so I will post two today. Good thing nobody follows this blog regularly. :)

And yes I admit this was pretty predictable. I'll try to think of something fresh next time.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I can't believe it! I found the email that was the birth of the Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets complete with emoticons! First of all allow me to explain what this is. One day, my sister forgot to log out of her email. Needless to say, my little brother and I decided to have some fun. We sent this email to everybody in her address book. Note that this was YEARS ago and it was only sent to friends and not awkward people like relatives. (And yes I did spell receiving wrong in the original email). Note: I omitted her name in this blog post.

hello my name is and i have been hacked by a group of highly intelligently trained monkeys. i eat
banana. I drink milk but i am lactose intolerant. and for dessert, i eat glass. but enough of my
dieting habits,

Chain message mail thingy

send this message to 156 people within 3 seconds of recieving this or i will call you
weeny. If you comply, i will buy you a weeny dog.
do it or else (weeny)

the highly intelligent trained monkeys have spoken! all humanlings are to eat banana and glass


we will be seeing you soon (we are invisible ninja monkeyjets too)
(look behind you. i am there)

i will disturb your thoughts. (BOO!)
and you will eat banana or pay --------------------------- for my next pizza

all hail hurts and is cold.


ps. please reply all for comments/replies/queries/bananas
pps. I, alessandra, was hacked..
ppps. reply all . OR


NOTE: Read post on Nov 12 first, then work your way up.

This is the third insert of my serial.

The owl, having feasted all night, takes off into the dawn skies, satisfied. It is then taken down by a hawk and crushed beneath its talons.

Stick around for the next insert (if you can still bear with the story).


NOTE: Read post on Nov 12 first

This is the second insert of my serial.

The snake flicks its tongue at the owl. The owl, unamused, skins the snake and devours it.

Ok so the plan was to do this everyday but I missed it by 45 minutes.
Day 3 will be posted in a few minutes.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I've decided to write a serial. Everyday, starting today, I will post a new part of a story, bit by bit. Here's the beginning.

The snake sees the mouse. The mouse sees the snake. Or rather, the mouse sees the inside of the snake as it is swallowed whole.

That's the first part. I won't bother asking you to stick around for the next part because I seriously doubt anyone is still following. I just hope someone stumbles acroos it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

To Do List

  1. Sleep earlier
  2. Wake up earlier
  3. Eat more ice-cream
  4. Gain 10 pounds (or regain lost weight)
  5. Shave
  6. Get a job
  7. Stop wasting time on facebook
  8. Find something else to replace facebook time
  9. Take more interest in other people :/
  10. Pay attention when people talk to me
  11. Listen to happy music for once
  12. Learn to swim properly so I don't drown
  13. Have a birthday so I can eat my red velvet cake again
  14. Blog more

Saturday, July 10, 2010


As I posted before, I am interested in photography and I'm saving up for a camera (couch potato gets a job! soon. I hope). Anyway, I saw this photography contest online and just decided to try my luck. Don't think I'll win though but here are some pictures I took to enter in the contest.

This is the inside of a computer I cannabalized

My pride and joy (Wow, corny)

Hehe my new Facebook profile pic

These were taken with my mother's Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX7

BMI - Nobody is happy

A couple of nights ago, I just randomly calculated my BMI or Body Mass Index or rather, get the computer o do it for me. This came out of the blue since I never measure my height and I stopped bothering with the weighing scale (It never changes!!).

The BMI scale goes like this
Underweight = under 18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obese = 30 or greater

After calculating mine, I ran downstairs to compare with the others in my family. First I asked my sister (known as Beans) for her height and weight. We use the metric system but the web page I loaded for the calculations used American Standard units so we took forever to figure out her weight in pounds. While she was calculating, I asked my mother for her height and weight. After calculating her BMI, we saw she fell in the Normal Weight class. "That means I'm actually fat" she says.

So then I say "So since I am underweight, it actually means I'm normal"

"No, you're still skinny" is the reply :(

So according to her logic, nobody is normal, but by that time, we figured out my sister's weight and computed her BMI. Normal, just like my mother. "Ah, she's normal," says my mother. I couldn't think of a reply. I just think that all women above the age of forty think they're fat - except the fat ones. No offence.

We then all turned to my father, who is comfortably round. He isn't as tall as he thinks he is but is heavier than he thinks he is. We got a more accurate reading of his height and weight and keyed it in. His BMI is 26 point something. "But I used to weigh normal in college. Calculate my BMI then." We keyed in his weight minus 10kg. Normal. "There, see? I'm normal."

"No, that was twenty years ago."

"Well in my mind I'm still that weight."


So really, calculating your BMI makes nobody happy so my advice is: don't bother. Just use the mirror to tell you if you're fat or thin or normal. Or rather, get someone else to tell you. It's better to trust others when it comes to your weight. Unless they get jealous and lie - but that's only fat people. No offence.

Oh yeah, my BMI is 17.5

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Consumer Feedback

When you see long blog posts, do you not feel like reading it? I'm asking because I don't feel like reading long posts when I see them and I realized my posts are all pretty long looking. Feedback is welcome and will be appreciated (if there is anyone out there)


Um yeah I'm not even going to check the date on my last post though it probably doesn't matter as nobody is really following my blog. I realize I haven't revealed much about myself or the things I do so here's some random stuff about me.
  1. There's a roll of gum that's been sitting in my room since Christmas
  2. I want to make movies that fellow couch potatoes can watch and enjoy
  3. I've taken a sudden interest in photography (will post a couple of my first pictures)
  4. I just killed a mosquito (revenge does taste good)
  5. I actually watch romantic movies (but NOT romantic comedies; Always so cliched)
  6. The best thing to ever happen on YouTube is Charlie The Unicorn
  7. I'm a Gleek! _l :)
  8. I own a Fender Stratocaster and it is my baby :)
  9. This is the ninth random fact about me
  10. I like the colour pink and it takes a real man to wear pink and like it (some guys just wear it to pretend they have a soft side but really, they hate it)

Okay that's all I can think of for now. It may paint a picture of the person behind this blog which you are following. If you really don't care, let me know and I'll post other stuff which you won't care about.

Friday, June 4, 2010


I have finally found (and remembered) something to blog about. As you probably do not know, my siblings* and I formed a band for our music school's annual concert. This would be the second time we play live as a band. After much brainstorming, we settled on the name Brainstorm for our band although I would have preferred the name Cool Hair And Her. - her (obviously) being my sister and her seemingly uncontrollable hair.

Our band comprises of a saxophone - my sister, drums - my youngest brother, a bass guitar - my younger-but-not-youngest brother, and me on lead guitar. No singer. This posed a few problems in trying to work out how to fit a saxophone and an essentially rock guitar into one band.

As you can imagine, we had absolutely no idea what song to play so we asked one of our teachers to help us. Our teacher chose Careless Whisper by George Michael. This posed another problem as we are all young people who have to play an old ballad when we are trying to cater to a younger crowd.

Unfortunately, we couldn't think of a better song to perform (a little ironic since there are countless songs better suited to our generation's listening).
Fortunately, this teacher of ours is a genius. He arranged the song for us specially with all of our instruments in mind: with the saxophone playing the iconic intro and melody and the bass filling the gaps, he even managed to throw in a drum solo as well as a guitar solo.

The success of our performance is largely due to his guidance. Uncle Jerry, we appreciate you.
And also the principal, Edwin Nathaniel.

I will most certainly post the performance up here as well as on YouTube once I upload it to my computer. Hopefully you will still care by then (if you care at all).

*Siblings names' will be revealed later (when I think of good nicknames for them).

Monday, May 31, 2010

Big not-surprise

wow. big surprise. It's been a month since the last post. (mock surprise). Even the Monkeyjets have been quiet since No Socks day. This is largely because of a feud between our administrators over Moustache-face Day (on Facebook). The feud started when one of our administrators refused to donate his hair to use as moustaches.but I'll save that story for another Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjet post.

The problem is I don't know what to blog about now...

Monday, May 3, 2010


Okay I'll admit it, this is terrible. It's been ages since my last post and I can't think of anything interesting to blog about and I'll bet that as soon as I shut the computer down I'll think of something. The Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets is only a side project but it's turning out to be bigger than my blog. Quite a few people are excited about 'No Socks Day' (visit our Facebook page) (22 people confirmed as of now) but this post isn't about the Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets. Not many people are following my blog but really, at the rate this is going, I'm not surprised.

So to add a new post and not chase away my (few) followers, this post is about... well I haven't decided yet.. So I'll just type whatever comes to my mind. Quite a funny thing happened to me a few days ago actually;

I was at a carnival, resisting the urge to push down a clown walking around in stilts. There was a freaky gorilla and a yellow dog walking around too. Both were hairy and were at least 6 feet tall (they were people in suits.. I think). I did my best to avoid them and thankfully did. (I saw them make a little girl cry and I didn't want my friends to see me get freaked out too) (I'm sixteen by the way). Then the gorilla started playing drums and attracted a crowd. I did not join this crowd and went to see two sumo's wrestle instead. After three rounds both sumo's lay down and shed their skin to become two skinny dudes (turns out they were wearing suits too). We decided to try out the little games all around but never won anything. It was pathetic really; There were six-year olds running around carrying prizes and we never won anything (those games were hard).

Some fun-fair it turned out to be. I almost got arrested for almost pushing a clown over, ran away from a gorilla and a yellow dog, watched two not-really-sumo's wrestle and left envious of the kids running around with toy crossbows (I wanted one so badly). They should drop the 'f' in fun-fair. Funfair.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


This is a video my siblings and I created a couple of years ago armed with nothing but a camera-phone. The result is what you get when you combine children+free time+technology.


You can also find this on YouTube under my brother's account.

We definitly WILL make more home videos (in higher quality of course) pretty soon. Keep following this blog or subscribe to my YouTube channel @ JOshDidThis1's channel (although there are no videos yet) to catch our future projects.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The rise of the Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets

My brother and I have started a group of the Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets. We are growing so quickly, we now have a group on facebook! This is an elite group so you can join too! (Being a follower of this blog makes you an elite. rock on).

The purpose of this super-group is yet to be decided as its admins are too busy fighting about what it is we actually do (as some of you may already know).

Contrary to popular belief, this group is not connected to monkeys as we are specifically Monkeyjets. Monkeyjets have absolutely no relation to monkeys and we strongly oppose Darwin's Theory of evolution. Monkeyjets is a proper noun so it is always spelt with a capital M.

If you don't know what Monkeyjets are, you should probably Google it. You may not get any results because Google may not know what Monkyjets are either. You may, however, get links to someone whose username is monkeyjet. This person is monkeyjet and not a Monkeyjet (capital M) and has no relation to real Monkeyjets.

For more about the Highly Intelligently-Trained Monkeyjets, come back to this blog at a later time when we've compiled more information. Also, try one of our member's blogs @ or join our facebook group.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What Happened to me at Midnight

I found this story i wrote when I was twelve. It's titled What Happened to me at Midnight.

It was midnight.The wind howled through the trees as the rain thundered at the house. I looked around. It was quiet. Too quiet. I took the earplugs out of my ears. Much better. There was a noise. It was just the rain and wind and tv and radio and my dog snoring. Oh wait, I don't have a dog. It was my parrot.
Someone knocked on the door. He was shouting. He banged the door. He rammed the door. He kicked the door. He shouted to open the door. "I think he wants to come in", I thought. I went to the door and and turned the handle. It didn't open. I shouted. I banged the door. I rammed the door. I kicked the door. I shouted to open the door. Wait a minute. I thought for awhile. I unlocked the door and opened it.
Who was that stranger there? It was the Pizza Man! I screamed. He was ten minutes late! He told me he waited ten minutes for me to open the door. I took the pizza and closed the door. Someone knocked on the door."Who is it this time?" I asked. It was the Pizza Man again. He asked me to pay him. I told him, "I'm not your boss. Get your boss to pay you at the end of the month."
I slammed the door and went to eat my pizza. It was wet so I sent it to the dry-cleaners. There was a banging on the door. I ignored it 'cos I thought it was the Pizza Man. The banging continued for an hour. I opened the door to see if it was the Pizza Man. It wasn't. I started to apologise but then I realized it was my tax collector. I stopped. I slammed the door and double-locked it.

Twelve years old and during science class.