Saturday, July 10, 2010

BMI - Nobody is happy

A couple of nights ago, I just randomly calculated my BMI or Body Mass Index or rather, get the computer o do it for me. This came out of the blue since I never measure my height and I stopped bothering with the weighing scale (It never changes!!).

The BMI scale goes like this
Underweight = under 18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obese = 30 or greater

After calculating mine, I ran downstairs to compare with the others in my family. First I asked my sister (known as Beans) for her height and weight. We use the metric system but the web page I loaded for the calculations used American Standard units so we took forever to figure out her weight in pounds. While she was calculating, I asked my mother for her height and weight. After calculating her BMI, we saw she fell in the Normal Weight class. "That means I'm actually fat" she says.

So then I say "So since I am underweight, it actually means I'm normal"

"No, you're still skinny" is the reply :(

So according to her logic, nobody is normal, but by that time, we figured out my sister's weight and computed her BMI. Normal, just like my mother. "Ah, she's normal," says my mother. I couldn't think of a reply. I just think that all women above the age of forty think they're fat - except the fat ones. No offence.

We then all turned to my father, who is comfortably round. He isn't as tall as he thinks he is but is heavier than he thinks he is. We got a more accurate reading of his height and weight and keyed it in. His BMI is 26 point something. "But I used to weigh normal in college. Calculate my BMI then." We keyed in his weight minus 10kg. Normal. "There, see? I'm normal."

"No, that was twenty years ago."

"Well in my mind I'm still that weight."


So really, calculating your BMI makes nobody happy so my advice is: don't bother. Just use the mirror to tell you if you're fat or thin or normal. Or rather, get someone else to tell you. It's better to trust others when it comes to your weight. Unless they get jealous and lie - but that's only fat people. No offence.

Oh yeah, my BMI is 17.5

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