Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The rise of the Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets

My brother and I have started a group of the Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets. We are growing so quickly, we now have a group on facebook! This is an elite group so you can join too! (Being a follower of this blog makes you an elite. rock on).

The purpose of this super-group is yet to be decided as its admins are too busy fighting about what it is we actually do (as some of you may already know).

Contrary to popular belief, this group is not connected to monkeys as we are specifically Monkeyjets. Monkeyjets have absolutely no relation to monkeys and we strongly oppose Darwin's Theory of evolution. Monkeyjets is a proper noun so it is always spelt with a capital M.

If you don't know what Monkeyjets are, you should probably Google it. You may not get any results because Google may not know what Monkyjets are either. You may, however, get links to someone whose username is monkeyjet. This person is monkeyjet and not a Monkeyjet (capital M) and has no relation to real Monkeyjets.

For more about the Highly Intelligently-Trained Monkeyjets, come back to this blog at a later time when we've compiled more information. Also, try one of our member's blogs @ or join our facebook group.

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