Saturday, January 8, 2011


Turns out that this couch potato has gone on some adventures. Quite a long time ago I mentioned getting a job in a blog post. Well I did (yay!). I decided to pursue my interest in film and joined a production house that did TV commercials.

I worked there for five months before leaving for university. One of the many things I learned is that (most) advertising agencies and their clients give me a headache. On my last shoot in which I was promoted to casting coordinator, we were set to shoot the commercial when the client decided they wanted a different main actor. This was two days before shoot day and one day before our wardrobe fit. This posed a huge problem because that meant we had to find people who would sacrifice time off their everyday work and drive to the casting agency for casting within six hours time. On top of that, they had to be free for the wardrobe fit as well as the entire day on shoot day. You can see how this was a problem.

Furthermore, after casting them we have to present them to the director for him to present to the client who will decide who they like best, then call everyone who did not get the part that they would not have to take leave after all as well as inform the person selected of course. After this, the actor's measurements have to be sent to the wardrobe stylist in time for them to prepare something for wardrobe fit which was happening later that day.

We pulled it off in the end though, after losing much sleep as well as hair and weight. There were more stressful incidents during the whole course of this shoot's production but it's just too much to blog about. Of course, not all clients are headaches, I just wanted to blog about this one in particular as the worst I have ever worked with.

This potato is exhausted.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Change of blogs

Please note: I'm gonna create separate blogs for separate stuff so I don't get everything mixed up. From now on, anything to do with the Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets will be posted @