Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 5

NOTE: Read post on Nov 12 first, then work your way up (just follow the ones that have day+number as the title)

This is the fifth insert.

The stewards of the plane are relieved they now have more food to feed the passengers. The pilots however are worried because that food just blew out their right engine.

Now I will have to remind myself to post the next part tomorrow.

Day 4

NOTE: Read the post on Nov 12 first, then work your way up.

This is the fourth part of my serial.

The hawk, king of the skies, soars above the clouds. Speedy as it is, it is still not fast enough to outrun the plane behind is and it is sucked into the engine.

Okay I missed a day so I will post two today. Good thing nobody follows this blog regularly. :)

And yes I admit this was pretty predictable. I'll try to think of something fresh next time.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I can't believe it! I found the email that was the birth of the Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets complete with emoticons! First of all allow me to explain what this is. One day, my sister forgot to log out of her email. Needless to say, my little brother and I decided to have some fun. We sent this email to everybody in her address book. Note that this was YEARS ago and it was only sent to friends and not awkward people like relatives. (And yes I did spell receiving wrong in the original email). Note: I omitted her name in this blog post.

hello my name is and i have been hacked by a group of highly intelligently trained monkeys. i eat
banana. I drink milk but i am lactose intolerant. and for dessert, i eat glass. but enough of my
dieting habits,

Chain message mail thingy

send this message to 156 people within 3 seconds of recieving this or i will call you
weeny. If you comply, i will buy you a weeny dog.
do it or else (weeny)

the highly intelligent trained monkeys have spoken! all humanlings are to eat banana and glass


we will be seeing you soon (we are invisible ninja monkeyjets too)
(look behind you. i am there)

i will disturb your thoughts. (BOO!)
and you will eat banana or pay --------------------------- for my next pizza

all hail hurts and is cold.


ps. please reply all for comments/replies/queries/bananas
pps. I, alessandra, was hacked..
ppps. reply all . OR


NOTE: Read post on Nov 12 first, then work your way up.

This is the third insert of my serial.

The owl, having feasted all night, takes off into the dawn skies, satisfied. It is then taken down by a hawk and crushed beneath its talons.

Stick around for the next insert (if you can still bear with the story).


NOTE: Read post on Nov 12 first

This is the second insert of my serial.

The snake flicks its tongue at the owl. The owl, unamused, skins the snake and devours it.

Ok so the plan was to do this everyday but I missed it by 45 minutes.
Day 3 will be posted in a few minutes.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I've decided to write a serial. Everyday, starting today, I will post a new part of a story, bit by bit. Here's the beginning.

The snake sees the mouse. The mouse sees the snake. Or rather, the mouse sees the inside of the snake as it is swallowed whole.

That's the first part. I won't bother asking you to stick around for the next part because I seriously doubt anyone is still following. I just hope someone stumbles acroos it.