Friday, June 4, 2010


I have finally found (and remembered) something to blog about. As you probably do not know, my siblings* and I formed a band for our music school's annual concert. This would be the second time we play live as a band. After much brainstorming, we settled on the name Brainstorm for our band although I would have preferred the name Cool Hair And Her. - her (obviously) being my sister and her seemingly uncontrollable hair.

Our band comprises of a saxophone - my sister, drums - my youngest brother, a bass guitar - my younger-but-not-youngest brother, and me on lead guitar. No singer. This posed a few problems in trying to work out how to fit a saxophone and an essentially rock guitar into one band.

As you can imagine, we had absolutely no idea what song to play so we asked one of our teachers to help us. Our teacher chose Careless Whisper by George Michael. This posed another problem as we are all young people who have to play an old ballad when we are trying to cater to a younger crowd.

Unfortunately, we couldn't think of a better song to perform (a little ironic since there are countless songs better suited to our generation's listening).
Fortunately, this teacher of ours is a genius. He arranged the song for us specially with all of our instruments in mind: with the saxophone playing the iconic intro and melody and the bass filling the gaps, he even managed to throw in a drum solo as well as a guitar solo.

The success of our performance is largely due to his guidance. Uncle Jerry, we appreciate you.
And also the principal, Edwin Nathaniel.

I will most certainly post the performance up here as well as on YouTube once I upload it to my computer. Hopefully you will still care by then (if you care at all).

*Siblings names' will be revealed later (when I think of good nicknames for them).