Monday, May 31, 2010

Big not-surprise

wow. big surprise. It's been a month since the last post. (mock surprise). Even the Monkeyjets have been quiet since No Socks day. This is largely because of a feud between our administrators over Moustache-face Day (on Facebook). The feud started when one of our administrators refused to donate his hair to use as moustaches.but I'll save that story for another Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjet post.

The problem is I don't know what to blog about now...

Monday, May 3, 2010


Okay I'll admit it, this is terrible. It's been ages since my last post and I can't think of anything interesting to blog about and I'll bet that as soon as I shut the computer down I'll think of something. The Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets is only a side project but it's turning out to be bigger than my blog. Quite a few people are excited about 'No Socks Day' (visit our Facebook page) (22 people confirmed as of now) but this post isn't about the Highly Intelligently-Trained Ninja Monkeyjets. Not many people are following my blog but really, at the rate this is going, I'm not surprised.

So to add a new post and not chase away my (few) followers, this post is about... well I haven't decided yet.. So I'll just type whatever comes to my mind. Quite a funny thing happened to me a few days ago actually;

I was at a carnival, resisting the urge to push down a clown walking around in stilts. There was a freaky gorilla and a yellow dog walking around too. Both were hairy and were at least 6 feet tall (they were people in suits.. I think). I did my best to avoid them and thankfully did. (I saw them make a little girl cry and I didn't want my friends to see me get freaked out too) (I'm sixteen by the way). Then the gorilla started playing drums and attracted a crowd. I did not join this crowd and went to see two sumo's wrestle instead. After three rounds both sumo's lay down and shed their skin to become two skinny dudes (turns out they were wearing suits too). We decided to try out the little games all around but never won anything. It was pathetic really; There were six-year olds running around carrying prizes and we never won anything (those games were hard).

Some fun-fair it turned out to be. I almost got arrested for almost pushing a clown over, ran away from a gorilla and a yellow dog, watched two not-really-sumo's wrestle and left envious of the kids running around with toy crossbows (I wanted one so badly). They should drop the 'f' in fun-fair. Funfair.